Dear Customers,

We are committed to providing quality services and strongly believe that your valuable feedback will help identify current needs as well as the desired improvement in our services.

You are therefore requested to complete the below survey.

SN Please rate your ‘Satisfaction Level’ in following areas Highly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Highly Agree
1 Bank’s complaint lodgment process is accessible and clear.
2 Bank deals with you in a fair and honest manner.
3 Bank provides adequate product information in a fair and simple manner.
4 Charges for services rendered are fair.
5 Our mentioned Electronic Banking Services are satisfactory.

(Rate services which you are using, otherwise leave the field blank)
i ATM Services clear
ii Debit Card clear
iii SMS Alert clear
iv eStatement clear
v AL Habib Mobile / Netbanking clear
Please select reason(s) for dissatisfaction
Service Not Working Non-Delivery of OTP Delays in Transaction
vi Credit Card Services clear
6 Call Center Services i Are you aware of our Call Center Service? clear Yes No
ii Our Call Center Services are satisfactory. clear
Please select reason(s) for dissatisfaction
Long Waiting in Queue Call Handling Staff Behavior
7 Our Branch Banking Services in mentioned areas are satisfactory. i Cleanliness
ii Time taken for services
iii Staff Behavior
iv Required products/services are available to meet your banking needs
Please mention name of Product/Service which is not available
8 You are likely to continue Banking with Bank AL Habib in future.
9 You are likely to recommend Bank AL Habib to a friend or associate.
Customer Name: Relationship Branch:
Customer Since: Contact Number:

Please enter captcha code here

Customer Service Division, 2nd & 3rd Floor , Plot # 28-C, Lane 3, Bukhari Commercial, Khayaban-e-Bukhari, Phase 6, DHA Karachi.